Sunday, September 22, 2013

Grand Theft Auto V - First impression.


Let's start off with the word "wow." Rockstar promised a great game and they certainly didn't disappoint. The graphics have been updated, but I don't give a crap about graphics. The gameplay thus far has been flawless, after I turned off the aim assist of course. Driving in GTA V is much more fluid and manageable than in Rockstar's previous GTA titles, and with the addition of a driving super ability for one of the characters it's much more fun than driving Roman's cab around Liberty City for thirty missions.

The game starts you off in the middle of a mission, which is an interesting take. The missions following the first are some what like GTA IV, but Rockstar include inside jokes at every turn about this. It isn't long before the missions become completely different than any of the GTA games.

Remember the crappy stranger missions in GTA IV? If you don't they sucked. Well they're back in GTA V but with a twist-- the twist is that they don't suck. You'll find yourself in a park with a man trying to give you weed, outside celebrities houses trying to get a compromising picture, or using a tow truck to help out a cracked out neighbor. At points the game is as outrageous as the Saints Row series, but it pulls you back in before you become the leader of the free world.

The story content is great as well. You'll hear of the Liberty City adventures, and you may even meet some familiar faces along the way. It's hard not to spoil anything because there is just so much to talk about. But I'm certain our head writer, Jammage, will discuss the game further in due time. For now, just know that this game has so much to offer, and I'm only three hours in.

GTA V has been granted the PRVMALONE seal of approval

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