Sunday, August 25, 2013

Xbox One VS. PS4

Sony and Microsoft have been going head to head in this campaign to find out who has the better of the next-gen consoles. This year has been fully of rumors, fanboy flame wars, and press conference for both candidates. So with all that aside, which console is truly better? The all-in-one Xbox One? Or the user friendly PS4? We will decide that right here, right now. No opinions, just facts.


Let's start with one of the key things that determine the stronger of the two consoles, and that is their power. Which ones hardware makes up for a better gaming experience?
Xbox One                                            PS4 

8-core X86 AMD Processor

8-core X86-64 AMD Processor



500GB Hard Drive

500GB Hard Drive

According to the specs on both official websites, the PS4 is slightly stronger than the Xbox One, but only so slightly that it really won't make a difference in the gaming experience. If you do consider the minuscule difference in hardware, PS4 wins in power.


Both console have announced an array of games such as COD: Ghosts, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, and Destiny. The question is, who has better exclusives? Well, as we all know Activision has an agreement with Microsoft to release content for Xbox first before releasing it everywhere else, so if you don't mind waiting for the new maps it won't be a hassle. Here is a list of games for both consoles:

Xbox One                                  PS4           


Binding of Isaac: Rebirth


Deep Down

Crimson Dragon

Drive Club


Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture

Dead Rising 3

Guns of Icarus

Fable Legends


Fighter Within

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Forza Motorsports

Infamous: Second Son

Killer Instinct

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Kinect Sports Rivals


Quantum Break


Peggle 2

The Order: 1886

Project Spark


Rabbids Invasion

Rouge Legacy

Ryse: Son of Rome

Shadow of the Beast

Sunset Overdrive


War Thunder

Wasteland Kings

Now as you can see, PS4 has slightly more exclusives but to determine which is better is based on the gamer's personal taste in video games. 


Since their reveals, there has been many changes and innovations to each company's features and policies. There were plenty of rumors that games will no longer be able to be traded or returned without a complicated process. I will tell you now, neither sides have that policy anymore. Microsoft once had plans to do so but was hit hard by enraged fans and decided to remove that policy of no used games. So to clear things up of any confusion, used games are still playable on both consoles. One feature that has been confirmed for both consoles is the ability to record and share gameplay footage. Xbox allows you to record 5 minutes of gameplay and has a built in video editor for Xbox Gold members only. They will also allow players to stream directly to Twitch. PS4 allows you to record without the need to pay for PS Plus. They claim it will record from 7-15 minutes of gameplay and there is a simple trimming software to edit your video. The PS4 will also allow friends to watch each others games and help out by joining the game or taking over if the player allows it. The PS4 will allow users to access all of it's features without an extra fee except you must have PS Plus to play online multiplayer and will get extra rewards such as free games every month.


Xbox One has created many key features to enhance the experiences the gamer has while playing. They changed the ergonomic design to allow the battery pack to sit inside the controller without interfering with the player's hand position. The analog sticks are slightly smaller with an improved grip that does not wear out as easily. The buttons are more responsive to the player's touch.  They also added rumble motors in the triggers to make vibrations in certain areas depending on what happens in the game. If a car hits a bump on it's front left tire, the controller will vibrate near the left trigger.

The Playstation 4 controller has a couple new features as well. It has a touch pad in the middle to add to gameplay mechanics. It has a share button that allows you instantly use the last 7-15 minutes of gameplay to share with your friends. The top of the controller has a light sensor that has a different color indicating which player is which.

The Xbox 360 controller tends to be more favorable to gamers than the PS3. The new Xbox One controller seems to be slightly more interactive and comfortable than the PS4, but we can't really tell until the actual product is in our hands.


Gamers everywhere are highly anticipating the release of both of these console. The future of console gaming depends on what the next generation can provide. The new exciting features of these consoles will bring a new experience to the players. There is a lot of potential for consoles on both sides, we can only wait and see the innovations they bring.

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