Thursday, March 13, 2014

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Preview

Metal gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes takes place after the events of Peace Walker and precedes the upcoming game The Phantom Pain. Announced at PAX Prime 2012, the trailer showed intense graphical detail, a strong emotional theme, and some hints of story development.

The Metal Gear Series has always been known for its stealth. This game allows players to choose to play stealthily or go into the full action, although it rewards players more if they play stealthily On hard difficulty the AI know how to tactically flank Snake if he is spotted. They can also see him from a farther distance. At times when the player is spotted by an enemy, it will activate reflex mode where the player can react before the enemies can alert the others. You may turn this feature off to obtain bonuses from completing a mission without it. The harder the game is, the more rewards you will get.

Snake has many devices that will help him through each mission. Binoculars can be used to tag enemies to keep track of where they are throughout the area. They will also be shown on the mini map. You may turn that feature off any time. You can also gather information on each area by calling for Intel when looking through your binoculars. The binoculars have a directional mic built in so players can gain information by listening to an enemy's conversations with the binoculars. Players will be able to drive enemy vehicles without being spotted as long as they drive normal and do not draw attention to themselves. You may call an escape helicopter to arrive at certain landing zones. If the player orders the helicopter to land close to an enemy compound it will attract enemies to that spot to try shooting it down. If shot down, the player must find a alternate way out of the enemy territory.

The game is open world and will have side missions to complete throughout the game. The game will effect how you play based on the time of day, the weather, and the mission objective. Some objectives will require you to find a specific target. So even if you know your way around the map, it can change where the objective is. While in combat you can use CQC to knock out enemies, steal their weapon, or take them hostage.

A open world stealth game that rewards you for challenging yourself? Sounds like a definite buy. It uses the best mechanics from its previous titles and adds in much more. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be in stores March 18th, 2014 for PS3, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

Gameplay Videos:

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