Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jammage's Next Gen Thoughts

With the next generation of consoles coming at the end of the year, I have to give my thoughts on what the future of gaming holds. One thing that will stay in gaming through the next few years is the average shooter. It gets the highest sales, it is easy to play and understand, and you can play with your friends cooperatively or competitively. Even though AAA shooters are thrown together and made every year, people still buy them. 

On the other hand, there is a big rise in Indie game development. That is one thing I am excited for. Indie games are not restricted to a genre in any way. people make the game, not to make money, but because it is a game they would want to play. These titles are normally unique. Even Robert Bowling, an ex developer at Infinity Ward, quit his job making CoD games to make indie games. This is a man standing up and setting a precedent. Indie games are already on the rise, with title like Minecraft, Fez, Braid, and Journey. People are starting to appreciate gaming as an art.

Graphics are a big thing when it comes to next gen consoles. Unfortunately the consoles will never compare to a high performance PC. But, with the improved power of the new consoles, developers will start making games with better graphics that will also come out for PC with higher quality graphics. Although graphics aren't what make a game fun to play, it is pretty cool to see how far we can go to make a virtual world as realistic as possible.

Those are my thoughts on the future of gaming. Feel free to comment your own opinions such as what you want to see in future games or what you think of what has been shown so far.

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