Saturday, February 23, 2013

Antichamber Review

Steve from Sporadic Gaming, here to review Antichamber!

Antichamber is a puzzle game made by Alexander Bruce. In some ways it reminds me of the puzzle aspect of the Portal series. However, Antichamber uses non-Euclidian geometry, which means that the spaces are constantly changing. Some areas loop in on themselves, connect to areas that are far away, and change when you look away.

Another mechanic the game uses is a type of gun that picks up and dispenses blocks. As the game progresses, you get new types of blocks, which have more abilities each time. You use these blocks to fill in puzzles, get around, and hold open doors.

Overall these puzzles were fairly difficult. There were some parts where I just plain didn't know what to do. Also the fact that the blocks gain new abilities means that sometimes there will be parts that you won't be able to pass yet and will have to come back to. This can be frustrating because you won't always know that you aren't able to pass a particular part yet.

The average time of completions is about 4 hours, which is approximately what it took me. It certainly can vary from person to person though.

Personally, there were a few times where I had to look up what to do, but a very smart person might be able to do it on their own. Sometimes the solutions to the puzzles were less than obvious. It was very rewarding to figure out some of the puzzles on my own. If you are looking for a difficult puzzle game that will challenge you mentally, then this is the game for you.

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