Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tomb Raider Preview

Tomb Raider is one of the most anticipated game from 2013. The developers have shown a great deal of trailers and gameplay to capture gamers' attention. For a game to be generally wanted by the gaming community must mean the developers are doing something right. They show many great things in the key features of gaming.

The first thing that is noticed is the vast, beautiful world the player is immersed in. The presentation of the world is all around appealing to see. The game takes place in what seems to be a jungle. The environment is realistic. Even the particles of fire from a burning town blow through the wind just like it would naturally. Small things like that will make the gamer feel the reality of the situation Lara is in. The level design is wonderful. There are cleverly place objects throughout the environment that can help the player get through the level, such as gasoline, barrels, destructible buildings, etc. Players will feel rewarded when they find these environmental hazards that can defeat their enemies quicker and easier. Players are rewarded for exploration. There are hidden lanterns that can be shot for challenges, food to gain experience, and journals to help understand the story of the game. The camera work helps the player feel the intense moments. Things such as water splashing on the screen when Lara is being forced down a waterfall, makes the game more exciting to watch.You learn more about the map the more you explore. This game is not completely linear, although there are objectives set for you and certain places you cannot go until you do something to unlock them. There are camping sites that allow you to fast travel between each camping site to explore each level more and they allow you to level up.

In the game, there are enemies to fight, puzzles to solve, and a world to explore. You have choices of how you want to play the game. Sometimes you can sneak past the enemies. While this may be more of a challenge, there are less enemies to fight and less chance of dying. The enemies react to how you play. If you are behind cover with nothing but a bow and arrow, the spray you with bullets until the cover breaks or you dive into the next cover. Some enemies you will have to use multiple places of cover to get closer to them and disarm them. You can use the bow and arrow to kill enemies silently or to distract them. If you shoot an arrow close to an enemy, they will go to investigate what flew past them. Lara slowly starts to get weak as you use the bow repeatedly. This will cause her to shake a little while aiming. You can regain stamina by taking a few second break. Lara gains experience from killing enemies. She gains more experience with different ways of killing someone. When she levels up there are skills that she can upgrade to make her stronger throughout the game. Although the skill tree isn't as in depth as most RPG's, it fits the game style. You can also upgrade you weapons with items you find in the game. There are multiple types of enemies, each with a different style of combat. Some have heavy armor, some use molotovs, etc.

Character Development:
From her first kill, Lara Croft is slowly being developed throughout the game. At first she seems vulnerable but has a strong side to her. This is the first time her strength really comes out. When she is forced into trying to survive in this environment, you will see her change as time goes on. See has feelings towards other characters in the game that make the player feel sympathetic for each character. The player will develop a strong relationship with Lara.

Overall this game is something to look forward to. It has great level design, allowing you to explore and find ways to fight enemies ahead. It will make gamers feel empathy towards Lara and the other characters. All we can do is wait for the final product.

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