Thursday, January 31, 2013

Black Ops II: Die Rise Review

Treyarch is well known for making the zombie game mode in Call of Duty. They just released a new map pack that included a new zombies map called Die Rise. It is definitely a change on map style compared to the other maps. This is one of the positive things about the map but also its downfall.

The map starts you off in a run down building that has many twists and turns. At the start you have the choice to turn on the power or find the random box. Unfortunately this is a tough decision because the map lacks weapons to buy off the walls. There are very few of them lying around but not enough to keep you going throughout the game, so the random box is a high priority. On the other hand, The power allows you to upgrade with the vending machines that are hidden in elevators that move up and down throughout the map. This is unfortunate sometimes because if you place a weapon in the Pack-A-Punch Machine and the elevator decides to move to another floor, you lose that weapon. That is one of the big flaws in the map because it is frustrating and can sometimes cost a player their life.

The map is really hard to figure out. It is one of the biggest maps for zombies and has so many paths to keep track of. It is easy to get lost.. One of the other flaws is that most parts of the game make you risk your life just to get to another part of the level. They make you jump to ridiculous places that seem like an area where you cannot go. Sometimes this makes people try jumping to places they really can't go and lose their life. Some places you may get to accidentally and won't be able to return to the spot where you want to be. On the positive end, this map will make you explore and try new areas to improve your survival rate every time.

Although the map is difficult to get use to and has it's annoyances from time to time, this was a good attempt at bringing something new to the zombie game mode. You may find yourself killing yourself trying to find new ways around the map and it may be worth it if you find the right spot to survive during this zombie apocalypse.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tomb Raider Preview

Tomb Raider is one of the most anticipated game from 2013. The developers have shown a great deal of trailers and gameplay to capture gamers' attention. For a game to be generally wanted by the gaming community must mean the developers are doing something right. They show many great things in the key features of gaming.

The first thing that is noticed is the vast, beautiful world the player is immersed in. The presentation of the world is all around appealing to see. The game takes place in what seems to be a jungle. The environment is realistic. Even the particles of fire from a burning town blow through the wind just like it would naturally. Small things like that will make the gamer feel the reality of the situation Lara is in. The level design is wonderful. There are cleverly place objects throughout the environment that can help the player get through the level, such as gasoline, barrels, destructible buildings, etc. Players will feel rewarded when they find these environmental hazards that can defeat their enemies quicker and easier. Players are rewarded for exploration. There are hidden lanterns that can be shot for challenges, food to gain experience, and journals to help understand the story of the game. The camera work helps the player feel the intense moments. Things such as water splashing on the screen when Lara is being forced down a waterfall, makes the game more exciting to watch.You learn more about the map the more you explore. This game is not completely linear, although there are objectives set for you and certain places you cannot go until you do something to unlock them. There are camping sites that allow you to fast travel between each camping site to explore each level more and they allow you to level up.

In the game, there are enemies to fight, puzzles to solve, and a world to explore. You have choices of how you want to play the game. Sometimes you can sneak past the enemies. While this may be more of a challenge, there are less enemies to fight and less chance of dying. The enemies react to how you play. If you are behind cover with nothing but a bow and arrow, the spray you with bullets until the cover breaks or you dive into the next cover. Some enemies you will have to use multiple places of cover to get closer to them and disarm them. You can use the bow and arrow to kill enemies silently or to distract them. If you shoot an arrow close to an enemy, they will go to investigate what flew past them. Lara slowly starts to get weak as you use the bow repeatedly. This will cause her to shake a little while aiming. You can regain stamina by taking a few second break. Lara gains experience from killing enemies. She gains more experience with different ways of killing someone. When she levels up there are skills that she can upgrade to make her stronger throughout the game. Although the skill tree isn't as in depth as most RPG's, it fits the game style. You can also upgrade you weapons with items you find in the game. There are multiple types of enemies, each with a different style of combat. Some have heavy armor, some use molotovs, etc.

Character Development:
From her first kill, Lara Croft is slowly being developed throughout the game. At first she seems vulnerable but has a strong side to her. This is the first time her strength really comes out. When she is forced into trying to survive in this environment, you will see her change as time goes on. See has feelings towards other characters in the game that make the player feel sympathetic for each character. The player will develop a strong relationship with Lara.

Overall this game is something to look forward to. It has great level design, allowing you to explore and find ways to fight enemies ahead. It will make gamers feel empathy towards Lara and the other characters. All we can do is wait for the final product.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Anticipated Games for 2013

This was a great year for gaming. There were many achievements and upsets throughout the industry. This year I am going to dedicate more time to get you guys more news, reviews, and more. I would like to make a highlight of some of the all the games that people are excited for in the New Year, 2013.

The Last of Us

First off, Naughty Dog gave us a big surprise when they blew away the crowd at E3 with a great showing of The Last of Us. Naughty Dog is well known for their Jak and Daxter and their Rachet and Clank series. Those games were never disappointing. When they showed the first official trailer of The Last of Us, some hype started up about the game. Although the trailer didn't show any game-play  it had so much emotion, so much happening at once. People were wondering, "What will this game bring to the world of gaming?" Well during this year's E3 Naughty Dog showed us what they can really do. The walk through was not like the normal ones such as Call of Duty where it is just some guy running around on easy and shooting people without a care. The whole walk through had to be planned out. What really got the fans so hyped was the amount of AI interaction is in the game. The little girl helps you when you are in need of desperate help, the enemies know when you are out of ammo, and there are multiple ways of completing each level if you plan it out the right way. This does not seem like the normal run and gun. It seems more strategic. planning each move, getting around or close to enemies without being hurt. Gamers definitely need a break from the overload of FPS's out there. One of the games i absolutely can't wait for.

Grand Theft Auto 5

So GTA has always been one of the best free roaming shooters. Many people claim the GTA: San Andreas was the best GTA Rockstar has given us. Then came GTA IV. This game was a great improvement for some, but a failure to others. It may have had more realistic game style. But that took the fun out of what GTA was all about. Although there is some debate on the fourth game in the franchise, GTA V is anticipated by millions. There hasn't been any gameplay shown, but from the trailers there are hidden hints that give you a taste of the story and the world itself. The developers claim the world is going to be larger than they made in any other game. Rumors have it that you play as 3 different main characters, each with their own story. Some say it spans from San Andrea to Vice City. Will this be a big hit that blows the other GTA's away? Or will it be another upset to some?

Bioshock Infinite

This is my personal highly anticipated game. I love the engaging satiric storylines that make you think differently on some people's extreme ideas. The original Bioshock blew my mind with fun gameplay, intense story, mind blowing plotwists. It is in my heart the best story in any game. Then Bioshock 2 came along. I was so excited for that. Unfortunately it wasn't as good as it should have been. The gameplay was improved, the storyline was decent, but the game was too short and didn't have enough for players to continue playing it. There was multiplayer. It was a good multiplayer but I believe if they worked on the single player instead, it would have been a better polished game. Now Bioshock Infinite. When this game was announced i was thinking "Let's hope they improve from the lst one." And that is exactly what they are doing. They threw out a few amazing gameplay trailers. There are so many new spells, enemies, characters, and weapons and they aren't even finished making it. They held off showing anything at E3 because they wanted to spend that time perfecting the game.

Thank you for reading my blog. please check out more often for more news, reviews, and opinion on all things gaming. Also if you want comment below anything you want. What you are hoping for this year. What you want me to do to improve this blog to make it better for you. I will be posting regularly from now on.