Friday, March 15, 2013

Mass Effect 3 Citdal DLC Review by PrvMalone

                In my opinion, Bioware’s Mass Effect series tops the charts for this generation of gaming.   Mass Effect was the only game that ever made me a fan boy, and it is the only universe I know as much about as the Star Wars Universe.  Now that the tale of our mighty hero Commander Shepard has drawn to an end, it seems almost useless to purchase any of the DLC that Bioware has been pumping out.  I’m here to tell you that is not the case.
                Bioware recently released their sendoff DLC titled Citadel, and though it is priced at a whopping fifteen dollars, I would still be willing to cough up the dough just to join the final adventures of my Shepard.  After all the controversy of just about all of Bioware’s actions, I was glad to see that, for the most part, Bioware lived up to what we have come to expect from them.
                Basically, Citadel is a cheesy action movie starring all of your favorite squad mates from Mass Effect 3 and a few from the two previous games in the series. The missions are chock full of jokes and, in one special case, even Star Wars references make their way into the mix.  If you hated all the Romance options in ME3, you may just get a chance to reconnect with your lost love.  If the relationships of your Shepard really did not interest you, there is still the great story and addition combat to enjoy.
                The main quest line of this DLC allows players the opportunity to take a bit of shore leave and rest from the battle against the Reapers.  So, there is no combat in this DLC…Ha, like that’s possible.  The player has to uncover a plot to kill Shepard, and each mission brings a new twist to keep the player emotionally and mentally engaged with the plot. After the main quest line is complete there is still much to do in the new areas in the Citadel that become available. Most notable of the additions is the Armax Arsenal Arena, where you can convene with all your living squad mates, new and old, to compete in simulated battles against virtual opponents.  If you missed the sound of a Krogan blasting his way through Geth synthetic flesh you will be most pleased with this addition.
                Overall, this DLC will not disappoint Mass Effect fans, and this addition was a perfect send-off for our beloved Commander Shepard. The only let down for me is that we never see a romance between Shepard and Shiala, the green Asari who appeared in both ME and ME2.  She was totally into Shepard and you know it!  Anyways, wherever Bioware goes next with the series (First Contact War please) and whatever our new hero may be (space smuggler or assassin please) I am certain Bioware will keep players invested into the story.

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